Spot report – Gongendo Park (2024-07-22)

Webmaster visited Gongendo Park of Saitama Prefecture last week.


Access: Tokyo (local train 1:00) Satte (bus 0:08) Gongendo (walk 0:01) @

This park is famous for cherry blossom in spring.



Although cherry blossom had finished already, the park offers the visitors comfortable walking trail under the tree shade of cherry.



And now, the season of sunflowers is coming! The sunflowers are planted next to the row of cherry trees in the park.


Some different varieties are planted.


Please enjoy the flowers.


Some of them were still in buts. It would be in full bloom this week.


Besides of cherry and sunflower, the visitors to the park can enjoy hydrangeas in June and spider lilies in September, too.



Please visit Gongendo Park to enjoy your favorite flowers.
