
Season’s topic – Red spider Lily (2017-10-04)

Red spider lily (Lycoris radiate, Higanbana) is flowering.             A longhorn beetle staying on the flower   Red spider lily and pampas grass   Red spider lily with rice crop     Now it’s time for harvest.   Rice paddy field after harvesting. Now we are in autumn.   End. Read more →

Season’s topic – Rice plant is ripening (2017-09-08)

Now rice plant is ripening. It’s still greenish, but will become golden yellow soon.       A scarecrow in the rice field called “kakashi” in Japanese   Flowering red spider lily (Lycoris radiate, Higanbana), which is one of important members of autumn’s landscape in the countryside.     The season of new rice is coming!     End. Read more →

Spot report – Shibata Castle and Japanese garden Shimizu-en (2017-09-07)

Webmaster visited Shibata Castle and Japanese garden Shimizu-en in Shibata City last week.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:23) Shibata (walk 0:20) Shibata Castle @   Shibata Castle was the castle of feudal lord Mizoguchi in Edo Era. Free admission. It’s closed from December to march.     Omotemon Gate built in 1732 which is designated as… Read more →

Spot report – Ichishima Sake Brewery (2017-09-06)

Webmaster visited Ichishima Sake Brewery in Shibata City last week. This brewery was founded in 1790.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:23) Shibata (walk 0:10) @ If you are not a large group with more than ten persons, reservation is not required.     They have three exhibition rooms for touristic visitors.   The first room… Read more →

Spot report – Castle town Murakami (2017-09-05)

Webmaster visited Murakami City last week.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:48) Murakami @   Besides salmon, Murakami is known as an old castle town. Some touristic spots Webmaster visited are shown below.   Maizuru Park (Maizuru-koen) where three thatched samurai residences are exhibited.               Black Wall Street (Kurobei-dori)    … Read more →

Food of the región “Salmon cuisine” of Murakami (2017-09-04)

Murakami is known as the town of salmon.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:48) Murakami @   Since old times, people of Murakami have lived with salmon. You can easily come across that salted salmons are hanged from the eaves along the streets.     There are several fish shops in the town which specialize in salmon… Read more →

Spot report – Iyoboya Salmon Museum (Iyoboya-kaikan) (2017-09-03)

Webmaster visited Iyoboya Salmon Museum (Iyoboya-kaikan) in Murakami City this week. This is a museum/aquarium on salmon.     Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:48) Murakami (walk 0:20) @ Admission:¥600 for adult. Closed on year-end holidays.   A figure of salmon near the entrance   Video theater near the entrance showing the ecology of salmon and the culture… Read more →

Spot report – Suzu Waterfall (Suzuga-taki) (2017-09-01)

Webmaster visited Suzu Waterfall (Suzuga-taki) in Murakami City last week.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:48) Murakami (bus 0:45) Takane (walk 2:00) @, or Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata (express train 0:48) Murakami (car 1:00) parking lot (walk: 0.15) @ Remarks: The road to the waterfall is closed during winter. Please confirm if the roar is accessible.  … Read more →

Season’s topic – Sound of cicadas (2017-08-23)

If you are traveling in Japan now, you must hear the sound of cicadas. Is that noisy for you? The sound is just one of back ground music in summer for Japanese, though.   There are about thirty species of cicadas in Japan, among which fourteen are found in the main land except Southwestern islands.   The commonest is Large… Read more →

Sweet of the region – Sasadango (2017-08-22)

Sasadango is a sweet of specialty in Niigata Prefecture.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Niigata @   If you are from Southern Asian countries, you must be very familiar with these kinds of leaf-wrapped foods.     Sasadango is made of mugwort-flavored mochi (glutinous rice cake) with anko (sweet red beans paste) inside wrapped in the leaves of sasa… Read more →