Spot report – Fuchu Kyodo-no-mori Museum (2017-04-04)

Webmaster visited Fuchu Kyodo-no-mori Museum last week. This is a field museum where traditional land scape with old houses is reproduced.


Access: Tokyo (local train 0:50) Bubaigawara (bus 0:06) Kyodonomori-seimon-mae @


Admission:¥200 for adult.  Closed on Monday and year-end holidays.


The main building of the museum


The exhibition on the culture and nature of Fuchu City in the main building



Open air museum of old folk houses in natural landscape



Old municipal office (left) and old post office (right) of Fuchu


Old merchant houses



After visiting those old houses, have a stroll in nature

Forest zone and open space zone



Water park area






A rest house



A small shop. Snacks and drinks are available.


You can feed carp in Yasuragi Pond. A packet of pellets are sold at the shop for ¥50.



Flowers which Webmaster encountered this day

Dogtooth violet (Katakuri, Erythronium japonicum)


Kobushi magnolia (Kobushi, Magnolia kobus)


Camellia (Yabutsubaki, Camellia japonica)


Winter hazel (Tosamizuki, Corylopsis spicata)


Golden bell flower (Rengyo, Forsythia sp.)


Thunberg’s meadowsweet (Yukiyanagi, Spiraea thunbergii )


Common cherry (someiyoshino) was near to blossom.

