Spot report – Nikko (2023-10-16)

Webmaster visited Nikko last week.


Access: Tokyo (local train 0:15) Asakusa (express train 1:50) Tobu-nikko @


Firstly, Webmaster visited Kegon Waterfall – This waterfall has a drop of 97meters.


It was a little earlier for colored autumn leaves, but the scenery is very beautiful.



Then, I visited Toshogu Shrine in which Shogun Ieyasu is enshrined.

The wide approach to the shrine.


The entrance Omote-mon Gate,


Five-story pagoda.


Sanjinko warehouses (Three sacred warehouses).


There is a sculpture of a pair of elephants.


The other sculptures of monkeys on the wall of a stable.


The second Yomei-mon Gate, which is designated as a national treasure.



The main shrine building, which is also designated as a national treasure. As taking photo is prohibited inside, only exterior is shown here.
